HTML is a must-have skill for students and working professionals who want to become exceptional software engineers, especially if they work in the Web Development field. I'll go over some of the primary benefits of understanding HTML:
Design a website - If you know HTML well, you can create a website or adapt an existing web template.
Become a web designer - HTML and CSS design is a must-have talent if you want to pursue a career as a professional web designer. It isn't "written" anywhere. It's a form of markup. The browser parses HTML and produces the webpage for viewing. It isn't a programming language in the traditional sense.

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It isn't "written" anywhere. It's a form of markup. The browser parses HTML and produces the webpage for viewing. It isn't a programming language in the traditional sense.


HTML uses "elements" to tell a browser how a webpage is constructed. In the code, elements are represented as "tags" typed in angle brackets:. Tags are typically used in pairs, with an opening tag defining the beginning of a block of content and a closing tag defining the end of that block. Tags come in a variety of shapes and sizes, each with its own function. Tag examples can be found in the Basic HTML Tags section below.

Some tags are only compatible with certain browsers. For example, the tag that causes anything to appear when a user pushes the right mouse button only works with the Mozilla Firefox browser. [2] Other browsers simply disregard this tag and display the text as is. Many web page designers


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